Grandeur by Atelier Charisma – Full of splendor and magnificence

Yesterday, in an interview with Jarno Broekkamp from Atelier Charisma, we were given an overview of the brand, its history and the Grandeur creation. Today I would like to introduce you to the Dutch label’s first and only fragrance to date. Founder Jarno has already given us some details about the extrait de parfum and how it came about: It’s all about camphor and this fragrance ingredient is certainly not an everyday one. I am therefore incredibly excited to see what kind of composition Atelier Charisma will serve us with Grandeur, and I am expecting an extraordinary and unconventional creation.

Atelier Charisma - Grandeur

Grandeur – Olfactory sublimity

In the interview, Jarno Broekkamp told us that, in addition to the main ingredient, the name of the fragrance was also clear to him from the outset. It was to be called Grandeur, which means as glory, greatness and splendor. It was certainly not easy to develop a composition worthy of this guideline. What’s more, Jarno is – by his own admission – a great perfectionist, which meant that it was quite a long road to the final version of Grandeur.

But at some point, after many, many attempts, the time had come and the creation was exactly as Jarno Broekkamp had imagined. A composition that rightly bears the name Grandeur, which is as unique as it is creative. This was achieved with the help of the ingredients bergamot, vetiver, styrax resin, camphor, clove, guaiac wood, opoponax, patchouli and agarwood (oud).

At the heart of Grandeur lies the pursuit of its namesake, where every facet must radiate the essence of splendor and magnificence. Our composition exudes an incomparable noblesse and longevity. Beyond all conventions, we have meticulously worked out each fragrance phase to create a creation that shines on countless levels. The longevity of Grandeur is ensured by its concentration as an extrait de parfum, which contains a remarkable 33% pure perfume essence in each bottle. A fragrance of unusual allure that challenges the ordinary in the world of perfumery.

Atelier Charisma - Grandeur

Noblesse in fragrance form

Grandeur opens with a lively, earthy note. The bergamot provides tart freshness and lightness and creates a wonderful contrast to the dark, resinous and spicy-cool nuances that flow through the extrait de parfum from the very beginning.

I perceive the typical notes of clove as well as the menthol-like, spicy facets of camphor, which is accompanied by woody-powdery and smoky accents. The rather stormy opening is followed by a phase in which the fragrance becomes somewhat softer and calmer. The guaiac wood with its delicate floral and fine powdery woody notes seems to smooth the olfactory waves of this composition a little.

In the background, I perceive the mushroomy, earthy and profound nuances of opoponax, which blends extremely harmoniously into the creation. Leathery oud and creamy, woody patchouli skilfully round off the fragrance in the base and ensure an atmospheric and absolutely worthy finish.

Atelier Charisma - Grandeur

Grandeur is truly an extraordinary and unconventional fragrance, especially as the debut of a new brand. At least that’s my opinion. Because it is a creation that makes a statement, that plays with expressive and idiosyncratic ingredients, that is defined by aromatic, resinous and woody nuances from the start to the finish. Grandeur is therefore in all likelihood not a crowd-pleaser, not a pleasing fragrance, but one that has well earned its place in the niche.

A creation for connoisseurs, for all those who like to wear powerful and atmospheric compositions that are rather tart and, in my opinion, rather masculine. There should also be a certain fondness for clove, as this is clearly perceptible in Grandeur. As unconventional as the extrait de parfum may be, it is also elegant, distinguished and timelessly modern. A creation that truly deserves the name Grandeur, because it is always splendid and charismatic. A fragrance that stands out, with excellent longevity and presence. What a wonderful first launch for this exciting young brand Atelier Charisma! Absolute test recommendation! 💚

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Julia Biró Written by:

Bereits 2010 gingen so einige Blogbeiträge auf mein Konto. Dann war ich „kurz“ weg – sechs Jahre. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass ich nun wieder die Chance bekomme, mein Näschen im Dienste der Duftrezension schnuppern zu lassen und eifrig in die Tasten zu hauen. Was Nischendüfte angeht, habe ich damals übrigens schnell Feuer gefangen. Meine Ausbildung tat dazu ihr Übriges: Als diplomierte Biologin kenne ich mich nicht nur mit Fauna und Flora, sondern auch recht gut mit der Herstellung von Ölen und Extrakten aus, was den Reiz der Parfumwelt natürlich noch größer macht.

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